Personal Injury Claims

No Win, No Fee, No Risk

We work on a no-win no fee basis, therefore, you won’t pay a single penny unless you have a successful claim. At the Legal and Claims Group, we work with the UK’s top solicitors. Therefore, we have a 95% success rate. We will cover all costs up until you have a successful claim. So, what are you waiting for? As there could be a limited time to submit your claim.


Accidents at Work Claims

Your employer is under a duty of care to make sure that you are safe at work.

If you are injured because of unsafe working conditions or a negligent colleague, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injury and financial losses.

We work on a no-win, no-fee basis, so you pay us nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.

Have you suffered an injury from a work-related accident?

If you have had an accident at work, we can help.
No matter what type of working environment you are employed in, your employer has a duty of care to provide safe working conditions and minimise potential accidents from occurring.
With a wide range of experience covering common slips and trips to complex and serious injuries, our team can assist and work towards a positive result. Our no-win, no-fee service has helped hundreds of clients injured in work-related accidents.
Aside from personal injury, suffering from an accident at work can also mean the stresses of financial losses, such as loss of earnings. Our team can also advise on how to claim such losses back.

Accidents at Work Claims FAQs


  • Factory and Warehouse Accidents
  • Farming Accidents
  • Construction and Building Site Accidents
  • Office and Shop Accidents
  • Working at height
  • Manual handling injuries
  • Accidents at work using machinery
We can also assist with other types of claims which you believe were a result of someone else’s negligence while you were at work.


In occupations that require employees to work from a height, any resulting injuries can be very serious. Your employer has a duty of care to provide a safe working environment to prevent and minimise the risk of an accident to employees. If your workplace has failed to take steps to minimise the risk to you, you could be entitled to compensation.
Clients who have suffered an injury from falling at height in the workplace should have been provided with the necessary equipment or training to carry out their job safely, unfortunately, this is not always the case.
At the Legal and Claims team, we understand that sustaining an injury at work can be a very stressful time. As well as suffering from the injuries sustained, time off work often means loss of earnings or additional expenses. Our personal injury specialists are dedicated to making sure you receive the maximum compensation available and will seek to recover any loss sustained as a result of the accident.


Manual handling injuries in the workplace are usually caused by the incorrect handling and lifting of objects with heavy or repetitive lifting often being the most common problems.
Your employer has a duty to try to avoid where possible the need for its employees to carry out manual handling tasks. However, in most workplaces, employees must carry out manual handling or lifting duties as part of their job.
It is the responsibility of your employer to adhere to health and safety regulations which include the provision of training relating to safe lifting techniques and the provision of suitable equipment to assist with manual handling tasks.
If an employer has ignored or failed to comply with manual handling regulations and you have suffered from an accident at work through no fault of your own, you could be entitled to claim for compensation.


Machinery and work equipment injuries in the workplace can result in employees being seriously hurt and in the most unfortunate cases, can result in death.
Employers have a legal duty to comply with health and safety regulations, including carrying out risk assessments and putting in place necessary safety procedures.
A significant risk of injury is presented if machinery is not correctly maintained or guarded. If the correct safety equipment is not in place or employees are not provided with the correct training to use machinery or equipment then serious injuries can easily occur.
If you have suffered an injury because of unsafe machinery, a lack of training or misuse of machinery by a colleague you could be entitled to seek personal injury compensation.

Slip and Trip injury Compensation

Slips, trips and falls are very common and can result in serious injury.

If the accident was caused by someone else’s fault, then you could be owed compensation for your injury and losses.

Working no win no fee, you pay us nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.

Have you been injured following a slip, trip or fall?

We may be able to help you recover compensation for your injuries.
Slips, trips and falls are surprisingly all too common and can occur in various situations such as slipping on a wet floor in a supermarket, falling over a trailing cable at work, tripping in a pothole or on an uneven paving stone in the street, or even, falling down due to uneven stairs or because of a defective handrail.
The injuries you can suffer from as a result of a fall can vary and in the worst cases can be life-changing. Very often expenses will be incurred and help provided either by friends, family or professionals to assist you with everyday tasks such as getting dressed, washing or even childcare while you recover.
If you are working, usually you will need to take time off work and even when you return, you might have to go on light duties or even change your job because of your injuries.
Not all slips, trips and falls can be claimed for and legal duties and obligations vary according to the accident circumstances. However, if the accident was outside of your control we may be able to help you recover compensation for your injuries.

Slip and Trip injury Compensation FAQs


Slips and trips are one of the most commonly reported injuries according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and can range in severity. Your employer has a duty of care and must provide a safe working environment.
If you’ve slipped, tripped or fallen at work and suffered from an injury that wasn’t your fault, The Legal and Claims personal injury team could help you access much needed rehabilitation, seek compensation for your injuries and reclaim losses.
Slips, trips and falls are a major cause of work-related injuries and on average 3 million working days are lost every year. It is your employer’s responsibility to carry out a regular assessment of workplace safety and ensure employees have the correct level of training to prevent and minimise accidents occurring.

Brain or head injury Compensation

Brain or head injuries can have a life-changing impact on all those involved.

It is important to have experienced experts on your side to deal with every aspect of what is often a highly complex case.

Our team of dedicated specialist solicitors and access to leading experts to ensure the best results.

Have you sustained a brain or head injury?

Has the injury affected your life?
A brain injury can be caused by a blow to the head, tumour, stroke or an infection. Brain injuries can occur as a result of road traffic accidents, assaults, slips and trips, falls, sports injuries and concussions. Concussions can occur as a result of even what seem to be minor accidents.
However, not all brain injuries are accidents. If you think you may be eligible to claim compensation, the team of expert head injury solicitors at the Legal and Claims team we can help.
Each year an estimated 1 million people attend hospital A&E in the UK following a head injury. Many more people suffer injuries that are not reported and not assessed by a medical professional.
Headway – The Brain Injury Association estimate there are 500,000 people living with disability in the UK as a result of a traumatic brain injury.

Brain or head injury Compensation FAQs


Symptoms of a brain injury include:
  • Unconsciousness;
  • Inability to remember the cause of the injury or events that occurred immediately before or up to 24 hours after;
  • Confusion and disorientation;
  • Difficulty remembering new information;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Blurry vision;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Ringing in the ears;
  • Trouble speaking coherently;
  • Changes in emotions or sleep patterns;
These symptoms could indicate that you’ve suffered a head injury and may be eligible to make a brain injury claim, depending on the circumstances that led to your injury.


Our Care Navigators assist our clients and their families to understand some of the many different choices and challenges that will present themselves following a serious injury. Care Navigators are there to provide support and guidance to clients and their families during the process of recovering from a serious injury.

Spinal Injury Compensation

Spinal injuries can be devastating, resulting in the need for care, rehabilitation, property adaptations and other ongoing support.

Our lawyers, and the experts they work with, are experienced in dealing with complex, often life-changing spinal injury claims.

It is important to have an experienced and approachable team on your side.

Have you suffered a spinal injury that is affecting your life?

Spinal injuries can be caused in a number of ways.
The most common cause of traumatic spinal cord injury is a broken neck or back (causing damage to the bones of the spine that surround the spinal cord). This often results in damage to the nerves of the spinal cord inside the spinal column. This is known as spinal cord injury.
Traumatic spinal cord injury may be caused by:
Road traffic accidents.

Domestic and work-related accidents.

Sports injuries.


Spinal Injury Compensation FAQs


Depending on the severity and exact location of the injury to the neck or the spine, the effects of a traumatic spinal cord injury can be wide-ranging and have serious consequences for the individual. Spinal injuries are classified as either complete or incomplete. An incomplete injury means that the ability of the spinal cord to carry messages to the brain is not totally lost, which will result in retaining some nerve functionality below the injury.
An incomplete injury will vary enormously from person to person and will be entirely dependent on the way the spinal cord has been damaged. A complete injury is indicated by a loss of sensation and movement below the level of injury. In the UK 2-3 people, every day become paralysed as a result of spinal cord injury. That is over 700 people each year adding to the 40,000 people living with a disability due to their condition.
The figures for incomplete injuries may indeed be much higher as they don’t take into account those people who have been treated by general hospitals instead of a specialist spinal injury unit. Today advances in medical knowledge and patient management at the scene of an injury mean more people will survive a spinal cord injury. Those surviving spinal cord injuries are likely to have a loss of movement and sensation, which will impact upon day to day life.


  • Loss of movement.
  • Loss of sensation.
  • Loss of bowel and/or bladder control.
  • Exaggerated reflex actions or spasms.
  • Changes in sexual function, sexual sensitivity and fertility.
  • Pain or intense stinging sensation.


Our Care Navigators assist our clients and their families to understand some of the many different choices and challenges that will present themselves following a serious injury. Care Navigators are there to provide support and guidance to clients and their families during the process of recovering from a serious injury.


Our spinal injury solicitors understand that each person’s traumatic spinal cord injury is different, meaning people have a variety of unique and complex rehabilitation needs. We will press for the release of funding at the earliest opportunity from the representatives of those responsible for your spinal injury so that your rehabilitation needs can be assessed and met.
As part of this we may instruct specialist Case Managers to assess your needs and organise and implement the care and spinal cord injury rehab necessary to ensure the best level of care is being provided to allow for the greatest degree of recovery possible.
We accept that obtaining funding from the representatives of those responsible for your spinal injury can occasionally take time, especially if the accident circumstances are complicated and responsibility is contested. As such, we have our very own specialist care/rehabilitation navigators who will work alongside you and your spinal injury solicitor to ensure you are receiving the right care, rehabilitation and support at the right time.


One of the main elements of your spinal cord injury claim is to ensure you ultimately receive the right level of financial compensation to ensure your associated future needs are met. Detailed assessment of your future needs will be undertaken throughout the lifetime of your spinal injury compensation claim with appropriate expert advice being sought.
Following this a detailed schedule will be produced dealing with, amongst other things your future needs in relation to: spinal injury rehab; care, adaptations to your home; aids and equipment; and vehicle requirements. Negotiations with the representatives of those responsible for your injury will follow and an award of compensation will either be agreed between the parties, or ordered by the Court.
The amount of spinal injury compensation will be paid as either a lump sum or a periodical payment. A lump sum, is just that, you will receive all of your compensation at the conclusion of your claim, whereas a periodical payment means a certain percentage of the overall award is kept back with regular payments for life being released to you, much like a salary.
The type of award depends upon individual circumstances and at The Legal and Claims Group Solicitors we aim to ensure you receive the best professional advice available to ensure your spinal injury compensation is protected and capable of looking after your future needs.

Orthopaedic Injury Compensation

Orthopaedic injuries such as fractures, ligament and nerve damage, can have lifelong consequences, including the ability to earn a living.

Our lawyers are experienced in dealing with a wide range of claims leading to orthopaedic injuries such as road and work accidents.

In such complex claims, it is important to have a team of specialist lawyers on your side.

Have you suffered an orthopaedic injury?

Is the injury causing serious impact on your life?
Orthopaedic injuries relate to the skeletal system and the related joints, ligaments and muscles. Orthopaedic injuries can be caused by road traffic accidents, slips, trips, falls and accidents at work.
Depending on the severity of the injury, this can have a serious impact on your social and family life, as well as your ability to earn a living. The term ‘major trauma’ describes serious and often multiple injuries where there is a strong possibility of death or disability.
In England, the most common cause is a road accident. We estimate that there are at least 20,000 cases of major trauma each year in England resulting in 5,400 deaths and many others resulting in permanent disabilities from orthopaedic injuries that require long-term care.

Orthopaedic Injury Compensation FAQs


  • Severe fractures.
  • Ligament damage.
  • Tendon and nerve damage (which can result in amputation).
All of the above orthopaedic injuries require the correct diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation to ensure the best recovery is made. Even with a good recovery, these kinds of injuries can have lifelong impacts and serious consequences.


Our Care Navigators assist our clients and their families to understand some of the many different choices and challenges that will present themselves following a serious injury. Care Navigators are there to provide support and guidance to clients and their families during the process of recovering from a serious injury.


Our orthopaedic injury solicitors understand that NHS resources are under extreme pressure and the associated impact on the accessibility to sometimes essential operations. This can cause unnecessary pain and discomfort with an often negative psychological impact.
We will always press for the release of funding at the earliest opportunity from the representatives of those responsible for your orthopaedic injury so that you can access treatment as soon as possible and at your convenience.
We do not criticise the NHS for this, but we believe it is unacceptable for the representatives of those responsible for your orthopaedic injury to expect you to wait unnecessarily for treatment. We believe you should receive the best possible treatment at the earliest possible opportunity with the representatives of those responsible for your orthopaedic injury paying for private treatment where necessary.


Our orthopaedic injury solicitors appreciate that early rehabilitation focusing on the unique specific needs of our clients is essential to ensuring the best possible recovery from an orthopaedic injury.
We accept that obtaining funding from the representatives of those responsible for your orthopaedic injury can occasionally take time, especially if the accident circumstances are complicated and responsibility for your accident is disputed. As such, we will only seek to use the best specialist care/rehabilitation navigators who will work alongside you to ensure you are receiving the right care and rehabilitation at the right time.
We will press for the release of funding at the earliest opportunity from the representatives of those responsible for your orthopaedic injury so that your rehabilitation needs can be assessed and met. As part of this we may instruct specialist case managers to assess your needs, organise and implement the care and rehabilitation necessary to ensure the best level of care is being provided to allow for the greatest degree of recovery possible.
Where appropriate, multi-disciplinary team meetings will be organised to ensure the care and rehabilitation professionals are organised and working in unison to maximise your recovery. This can include, amongst others: Occupational Therapists; Physiotherapists; Psychologists; Social Workers; Nurses; General Practitioners; Prosthetists; and Orthotists.


We appreciate that returning to former activities and hobbies is an important part of the rehabilitation process and something many of our clients want to achieve. Where possible we endeavour to help our clients achieve their goals.
Our orthopaedic injury solicitors understand that a serious orthopaedic injury can be a life-changing event, but regaining independence and returning to normal life as far as possible is equally – if not more – important than the amount of compensation.

Criminal Injury Compensation

You may be owed compensation if you suffered physical and/or psychological injury as a victim of a crime.

We specialise in a wide range of criminal injury compensation claims.

As time limits apply, get in touch with the Legal and Claims team to see if you have a claim.

Have you been a victim of a criminal assault?

Do you need help obtaining compensation?
We may be able to help if you have been a victim of physical or psychological abuse and work to recover any financial losses you may have suffered. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (CICA) is a government-funded scheme designed to compensate blameless victims of violent crime in Great Britain.
If you have been a victim of a criminal assault or attack, our specialist serious injury team will provide both the support and legal representation to successfully pursue your claim. Experiencing a criminal assault can be devastating and not only result in physical injuries but psychological damage that can be brought on by being attacked.

Criminal Injury Compensation FAQs


  • Mental or physical injury following a crime of violence.
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Loss of earnings – where you have no or limited capacity to work as the direct result of a criminal injury.
  • Special expenses payments – these cover certain costs you may have incurred as a direct result of an incident. This would occur if for example, you were unable to work as a result of your injury.
  • A fatality caused by a crime of violence including bereavement payments, payments for loss of parental services and financial dependency; and funeral payments.
We may be able to help if you have been a victim of physical or psychological abuse and work to recover any financial losses you may have suffered.

Horse Riding Injury Compensation

Exposed to the risk of serious, even fatal injury, horse riders are very vulnerable.

With over 20 years of experience, our lawyers who specialise in the complexities of horse riding accident claims.

Working no win no fee, you pay us nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.

Have you been involved in an equine accident?

Was the cause of the injury not your fault?
Today, with over one million horses in the UK, over 60% of incidents involving horses are on the roads. If you own a horse or are connected with one of the many hundreds of thriving equine centres, you will appreciate that the industry has come to rely upon specialist advisors who know about horses and understand the intricacies of this specialist area.

Horse Riding Injury Compensation FAQs


Our Solicitors have established a partnership with equine specialists lawyers to ensure the best possible outcome, should a client from the equine community be injured whilst working or involved in leisure activities related to horse riding.
Whether you own a business in the sector, are a landowner, tenant, own a horse or take part in leisure activities with horses, we have teams of legal specialists who will look after you and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. A unique combination of equine and serious personal legal expertise together ensures clients are in safe hands.
Jacksons Law Firm has an established and dedicated equine department entirely devoted to advising clients on where they stand with the law, so if you are an individual or business with a horse-related problem, the team will quickly address your situation and advise you on the best and most cost-effective course of action.


When you get in touch your specialist serious injury solicitor will go through the details of the accident and if it was caused by a third party it may be possible to seek compensation and begin a rehabilitation program.
If you have sustained horse riding injuries after an equine accident please contact us for advice as soon as possible. There are time limits involved for making claims meaning that it is best to seek legal advice as soon as possible.


Our Care Navigators assist our clients and their families to understand some of the many different choices and challenges that will present themselves following a serious injury. Care Navigators are there to provide support and guidance to clients and their families during the process of recovering from a serious injury.

Dental Negligence Compensation Claims

Sub-standard dental treatment can cause injury, discomfort, time off work and be expensive to fix.

If this sounds like you or you have had to pay for any extra treatment due to negligence, The Legal and Claims Group experienced dental negligence solicitors will investigate your case and see if you are owed compensation.

No win no fee, so you pay us nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.

Have you been a victim of Dental Negligence and feel you have a compensation claim?

Have you suffered pain and injury as a result of sub-standard treatment?
As well as often leaving unsightly or painful results, negligent dental treatment can cause very serious problems such as nerve damage, severe ongoing pain, loss of control of saliva, speech issues, damage to the senses, not to mention the psychological effects of such conditions.
Negligent dental treatment will often need expensive treatment to correct the problem.
If you have suffered pain and injury as a result of sub-standard, negligent dental treatment by a dental professional you may be able to make a no-win, no-fee compensation claim.

Dental Negligence FAQs


Complications following routine dental procedures
  • Common cases include damage caused during routine procedures such as root canal therapy or wisdom tooth extraction.
  • We will also examine whether a patient was suitable for a particular procedure and whether the risks of complications were adequately assessed and explained to the patient beforehand.
  • If the risks were not explained and it can be shown that the patient wouldn’t have gone ahead with the procedure had they been, then there may be grounds for a compensation claim.


Common causes include badly positioned or fitting of:
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Implants
  • Bridges
  • Braces


Also known as gingivitis or periodontal disease. Common causes include:
  • The dentist’s failure to adequately diagnose and/or monitor the progression of gum disease over a long period of time.
  • The dentist’s failure to advise on oral hygiene.
  • Carry out regular check-ups and X-rays.
  • Refer to a hygienist.
Which can amount to negligence leading to a claim for compensation.


If the injury is very serious and responsibility for the alleged negligence is accepted early on, the Legal and Claims team can try to negotiate an early payment towards the final compensation to cover the cost of private dental treatment needed to fix the problem.


As with all personal injury claims, a claim involving dental negligence must be brought within the relevant limitation period. Generally speaking, this will be 3 years from the date of the negligent treatment or when the patient knew or ought to reasonably have known that any injury was due to negligence. Other time limits may apply if the treatment was carried out on a child or protected party.
With dental cases, the relevant limitation period can sometimes be difficult to work out, particularly if the case relates to treatment over a long period of time. It is therefore important to ensure that you receive advice from our specialist team to ensure that your claim is pursued within the relevant time period.
If you are not sure about the timescales in your case, contact one of the dental negligence solicitors at Legal and Claims team as soon as possible.

Simply Select Your Claim

About Us

Our mission at Legal and Claims Group is simple…
We want to help good honest, hard-working people get their money back.
That is our one and only goal as a company and we’re proud to say that we are fulfilling our mission, successfully paying out on 95% of all accepted claims.
So, what are you waiting for? Act now to avoid missing out! We have no idea when these claims will stop being paid out so click the button below and start your claim NOW!

No Win, No Fee, No Risk

We work on a no-win no fee basis, therefore, you won’t pay a single penny unless you have a successful claim. At Legal and Claims Groups, we work with the UK’s top solicitors. Therefore, we have a 95% success rate. We will cover all costs up until you have a successful claim. So, what are you waiting for? As there could be a limited time to submit your claim.

Legal and Claims Group